The Ivorian Constitution, in Article 94 stipulates: "The Constitutional Council controls the regularity operations referendum and proclaim the results.
Council decides on:
- The € ™ Ã © LIGIBILITY candidates for presidential and legislative elections;
- Disputes relating to the € ™ Ã © lection of the President of the Republic and deputies.
The Constitutional Council announces the final results of presidential elections. "
Note that transit € ™ s according to Article 98 of our constitution, decisions of the Constitutional Council are not subject to appeal and impose € ™ at all.
Regarding the Election Code, Article 59 provides: "The elections commission (IEC) proceed with the counting of votes and the announcement of provisional results of the poll, in the administrative district, in the presence representatives of candidates.
Three copies of the minutes and supporting documents are submitted to the CIS. This makes the collection operations and the proclamation of provisional results in the presence of candidate representatives.
IEC notify the Constitutional Council a copy of the minutes supporting documents within three days of polling € of minutes. "
About € ™ s Article 63, he writes: "The final result of the € ™ Ã © lection of the President of the Republic is proclaimed, after consideration of complaints by the Constitutional Council and published by the procedure da € ™ emergency. "
Finally, € ™ s Article 64 states: "In the case where the Constitutional Council finds serious irregularities such as to vitiate the fairness of elections and to affect the outcome € ™ s all, he pronounces € ™ s cancellation from € ™ Ã © lection.
The date of the new poll is fixed by Order in Council of Ministers proposed by the IEC. The polling place not later than forty five days from the date of the decision of the Constitutional Council. "
These are the details that I would make.
I note further that under an agreement signed in South Africa, the post-crisis presidential elections must be certified by the Special Representative of UN in Côte € ™ da € ™ Ivoire. Koffi Kouakou Fofie
" If the UN really was for the good of the Ivorian people, it would have helped this country to meet the minimum conditions for a credible election. It would indeed ensure that the new forces are disarmed and the country is unified with one army, one government and one font before organizing elections.
To fail to do this, the UN held elections for a single country in two different countries. It's like asking the citizens of North corrée and those of South Korea to vote for a single government would be installed in South corrée while asking each corrées continue to keep their respective armies and governments. UN has failed and is the basis for everything that happens in this country where I draw my name. All its (UN) doings today seek only to cover his own wrongdoing.
Those who call for armed intervention in that country, may be unaware of the tragedy suffered by our mothers, wives and daughters in the Kivu for almost fifteen years. They certainly do not know how armed intervention from elsewhere have transformed pésible population of DR Congo in a population that stoned burned alive and a human being. They certainly know how these problems have created a bloody crime in the country called "Kulun. Banditry making use machetes while in our customs and traditions machetes were used to work in the fields and cut palm nuts. Our young people have "imported" the use of a machete as a weapon to destroy each other in neighborhoods because of these armed intervention from elsewhere.
The Ivorians are ready to live this tragedy to their children (whose heads are cut and cooked) or whatever female sex moves that will violate whatever his age.
Armed intervention plans for the West as sollution will contribute nothing to the Ivory Coast but a lot of money to the sellers of weapons (which are far from ; being Ivorian), and so that the multinationals will engage in the illegal exploitation of resources of this country.
It is very surprising that in a conflict between two people where each was proclaimed president of the republic, all the talk does turn that around Make from Gbagbo to the presidency. The problem is not to ask him to leave power, but to decide between the two. The problem is to discover who really won the election, all other things being equal. By not demanding that the departure of Bgogbo the international community (once again) raises the issue badly and I do not see how it can solve. An ill-posed problem is always the wrong answer.
That Ivorian re-enter and return to the table. The true Ivorians. Those who like their fathers, mothers, children and future generations of this country. Having lived that my suffering country since 1996, I am against any politician who calls abroad to come to burn his own country just for a position as if without him in this position, the country would be dead. The people need bread to live in peace, health and education of offspring. No matter who sits on the chair as long as it is guaranteed that everything else is hell.
What the new year brings peace to our brothers and help the Ivorians Africa to understand that their happiness will not come from the west or the east but only their own desire to transform their continent into a heaven on earth.
Augustine Aka (DRC) "
" And then what. What's not assume that African democracy. Why we do not go through with our process? The Constitutional Council has said the law on the basis of all evidence in its possession. Obviously everyone can speculate on what he should have done, but be brave and accept that the choice of the Constitutional Council is one of the possible legal case. Now it's good to go after the Constitutional Council, but the fact why the result of Mr BAKAYOKO would it doubtful? The conditions of his procclamation confligène are themselves at will. BAKAYOKO We have never yet said why he has deprived the Ivorian legal results (taking into account the case proceedings) in the time allotted to IEC. The disappearance of Côte d'Ivoire will be the fact that the international community has rallied for eight years behind the rebels in arms against all Ivorian institutions, against the army of Cote d'Ivoire and its authorities.
I think it's good to open this debate, for French Africa has done enough harm to our countries of Francophone Africa. Thank
Steph "**
" Michel
Happy New Year 2011 to all. The case of Cote d'Ivoire concerns us all in Africa. Africa has no conscious need to see all these scenes. We need an Africa that is growing. In my opinion, everything starts from the affirmation of our identity and acceptance of ourselves. It is the refusal of our own person that led us to sacrifice our own brothers to taste a little salt. Today we are sorry because we did that is slavery, and yet it is with joy that we agreed to deliver our brothers Vallant settlers. They are our brothers who have built Europe and America in the name of slavery. What does and what does Bagbo Watara? That's the big question. Is the correct way to challenge the verdique the polls is rushing to be provided oath? That means an oath to the African leaders? One way to justice in pétrains eject and soon after got the wallet?
Camille "
"... Reflect on a model of democracy that would be appropriate for Africa. Maybe our misfortune is that we wanted to do and live like the West while remaining African. The Chinese have invented their own system which guarantees an alternation to the top without too much difficulty. This system is perhaps not what the world says "Democrats" want to see, but it complies with Chinese realities. Imagine a system of democracy that takes into account: (1) the apparent difficulty for Africans to keep his word or respect what is written, (2) intuition Tribal Africa, (3) the notion that it is easier to make money in politics than in the exercise of any other profession ...
Augustine (DRC) "
" Hello dear friends of Good Governance!
I am not a lawyer nor the fact of Ivorian institutions. However, I can be guided by logic and assisted or guided by common sense.
Regarding the Ivorian crisis, I understand there was about a process that began with the disarmament of rebels in order to achieve the peace so desired by the Africans. The UN mission has led it to disarm the rebels? My answer is no. And yours? I insist on this issue and I'd like to have explained to the world why the UN failed to disarmament.
For my part I is a prerequisite for the peace process ICs For this powerlessness or unacknowledged by the will of the UN to disarm northern CI reunification was not effective and the international community rejects the continuation of Laurent Gbagbo in power was never stressed this aspect of disarmament and réunifacation the country. J'iamerais we explain to the world mustisme of this international community.
To date, it appears that the rebels working with UN peacekeepers. They protect all tenants in the Golf Hotel. Morality, the rebels represent the army formed by ADO
supported by international community. In other words, ADO and abroad since 2002 that make the IC in crisis. How to endorse it? What kind of democracy do we talk when there is a coexistence of two armies in one country? Explain that to the world please.
The UN mission is to secure only the Golf Hotel or the entire population? The rebels are there to protect the population or only camp ADO?
The UN mission was not to secure it not also the headquarters of the CIS and its members during the entire electoral process? How can we understand it to HQ for a candidate that IEC will announce the results of an election?
How explain the fact that certification is happening in the same HQ? I talk to every time to explain and not justify because it is not coincidental, not at all.
Do not you see that the various peace agreements are not met early in the process?
How to explain this outside support and the ADO within LGK?
Why this interest of the IC while the Palestinians are killed every day for decades? Where the international community about human rights in Tunisia? What had made the international community about the ouster of LISSOUBA Congo Brazzaville, Central African Republic, Mozambique, Kenya ....
Can you tell the world how many cases of intervention UN as is the case today in CI? This involvement is nothing but an interference in my opinion.
Africa will not be independent without the challenged resolutions of the Conférenec Berlin.
Africans like Mugabe, Gbagbo will eventually SANKARA as dictated by their rejection of the West. Ivorians and LG show the way forward for the African souverraineté Africa. That the UN to adapt to the Ivorian Constitution and not otherwise. Indeed, the formula of the UN which recognizes the irregularities during the voting but that they do not change the outcome is unjust, ignoble, insulting because it calls into question the equality of men in law.
UN Could certify all election results in Africa, these elections are often challenged by the real elected by the people? What do you think the documentary of the French public channel France 2 on Françafrique who also speaks of the results of presidential elections in Gabon?
I wish you an analysis and reflection to my questions.
NKOUELE NANG, Libreville- Gabon "
" Good evening to you all!
Africa has badly hurt and many of its democracy! I share the concern of two friends as the two cases (of Cote d'Ivoire and Gabon), which feeds the press seems to complicate the case of the Africa Governance and ; international opinion could take away what little credibility given to us once! However, it would be unrealistic as the other continents think that Africa will be left to bear the consequences of such a situation. The international community should greatly deal more seriously and more quickly find a solution if opening a Pandora's box, some may be such that the interests and international security strained and destabilize an equilibrium precarious!
But hope remains, however, allowed!
Nitiema Abdoulaye (Burkina Faso) "
" Hello,
understand what's happening in the Ivory Coast and Gabon, come back to ask more particularly the citizens of these countries than France in defending its interests in a world where crisis even the most affluent donâ € ™ were not always appropriate responses to the demands of their citizens. Itâ € ™ s why all the thunder rumbles: French in the streets, desperate Irish, Greeks, Spaniards and others in the € ™ Å "about the hurricane, European Union virtually inoperative € ™ s idea and fear on its currency Barak Obama on the watch and what not!
1. How did you (Ivory Coast and Gabon) always considered France and you can continue to imagine € ™ s? Ets you impartial assessors, credible?
2. How Ethics do you think the â € ~ â € ™ â € ™ Radio Mondiale € ™ s carrier and service of which (s) interest (s) operates it? A radio can be neutral (the neutral model including the Swiss bank secrecy?) If not, why this supposed surprise over his actions?
3. What was the weight (official roles but mostly men € ™ s € ™ s shadow) of Houphouet and Bongo in meeting the interests of France (call â € ~ â € ™ â € ™ diplomatieâ € ™ if you want) in their territorial areas including reciprocal via France and Africa and its vast areas € ™ s shadow? That said, we can estimate the similarities stop there Sâ € ™ because if Bongo € ™ s Son is heir at any point Bongo Father, He donâ € ™ is not even Bagbo Lawrence.
But remember the final moments of the monarch Bongo (relations with France) and above € ™ Ã © bursting of the scandal on the property that would be ill-gotten gains. What fly has stung Bongo does Father want to sympathize with the dreaded China's mineral resources has long been under the control French companies? So succession tested or supported Bongo Son?
Why the turnaround? What got Bagbo want to sympathize with the Russians for oil long coveted by € ™ s West?
Grattons just € ™ s and we will see what is underlying and what is special events!
Are we able € ™ s strategic analysis? With hands still stretched-lifetime leader with transfers of power in the leadership-a bulimic mismanagement and flies round of powers embedded in the business, how much space is there in our brains to think fortiori reflect â € ~ â € ™ â € ™ stratégiqueâ € ™?
Thanks! Abdoulaye Diallo
Aly - Bamako (Mali) "
" Dear Jean Jacques
I appreciate the nice ironic twist to portray the situation in CI and GABON.
The question that may arise among many others would address the validity of elections in Africa and the transparent management of electoral disputes.
For IC, all agreed that the elections would only end to these eight years of multifaceted crisis. Why are we not ready to re-examine the election results to clearly say who won?
Unfortunately we are witnessing a struggle between one side with the International Community said Alassane and on the other hand, the Ivorian institutions with Laurent Gbagbo.
Do you know that the film documentary of F2 (which you alluded) Alassane winner announced before the elections in Cote d'Ivoire.
This film F2 is now show that Obama was Gabonese MBA in fact the winner and the French secret service have switched the results ... you know the rest of the story today. This Community
Inter argued BEN ALI for 23 years, where is he now?
Mobutu, Kabila father, Gnassingbe Eyadema, Husein Abre, etc. .. The list is long, including those in power actuellment that I care to mention. All these people have received support from the international community for several years of their reign.
The common denominator is that end badly Alas! Even OMAR BONGO which was so generous with the West has not been a happy ending.
I wonder how much credence to give our elections on the continent? is that the international community? that is our national institutions in the legitimization of elections in Africa?
Those who thought yesterday that the Ivorian case is isolated, realizes that the problem is deep in Africa.
nice day.
GUIEDJI Arcadius (Ivory Coast) "
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